This is a combined fruit and vegetable Farm or CSA Share containing both organic items and those grown using integrated pest management techniques. Veggies will include fall staples like sweet potatoes, butternut squash and several fall greens as well as turnips, radishes, kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and more. Fall fruit, like cranberries (there’s nothing as tasty as LOCAL cranberries) a large number of apple varieties and locally made products like apple cider are planned to be included as well.
The Fall Share starts just after the Summer share ands and runs till just before Thanksgiving for a total of 7 weeks, with the last share coming just before Thanksgiving being a double share.
Pick up locations are the same as the summer vegetable and fruit shares, with the exception of Medford which is Friday pick up only. This is a boxed share CSA (pick up at the farm is a boxed share, not market style like the summer CSA), the size is the same as our summer CSA half share.
Fall Farm Share Pricing $220.00 Before December 31st.
Multiple Share Discounts
For members who register for two or more types of sharesfor registration prior to the start of the Summer CSA Seasonwe offer a discount. If you purchase any two shares at the same time enter the word "TWO" in the coupon code section when you checkout to earn a 2% discount. For purchases of three shares or more enter "THREE" and earn a 4% discount. For purchases of four shares or more enter "FOUR" and earn a 6% discount.